The scholarships provide College and University fees and a maintenance grant of £12,300. Subject to satisfactory progress, the scholarships will be tenable pro three years in the justification of preside over access doctoral programmes and four in suitcases everywhere a preparatory master’s way is vital previous to the doctorate.
The scholarships are intended to assist Home and EU students of outstanding academic excellence who pro fiscal reasons would not otherwise be able to study by the University of Oxford.
The finishing appointment pro receipt of applications pro this competition is
15 July 2011. Applicants who be inflicted with not been usual as doctoral students by the significant faculty or specialty of the University by 15 July 2011 will be rejected.
The competition is commence to graduates of one university who can exhibit with the intention of they fit all the following conditions. They:
* be inflicted with thumbs down other funding which would allow them to take up this offer.
* are ordinarily inhabitant in the UK or EU
* be inflicted with a initially rank honours degree
* be inflicted with, by 15 July 2011, been usual to commence, but be inflicted with not yet begun, a way of study leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by the University of Oxford in October 2011 in one of the subjects normally considered pro graduate study by the College pro the purposes of the Domus B Scholarships. Please think it over satiated catalog of these built-in in the Further Particulars.
* be inflicted with not made more than two years of postgraduate study or investigate
The College will consider applications from current Oxford students who are completing a Masters programme in the summer of 2011, but candidates who be inflicted with already begun their DPhil are disallowed.
Further Particulars, counting details of the applications process, can be downloaded or, in justification of problem, could be obtained from the Admissions Officer, Merton College, see
Inside addition to academic and administrative personnel, Merton employs specialists in a large variety of fields, counting talks organisation, organization, catering, landscaping and maintenance. Merton is an equal opportunities employer.
Scholars are guaranteed College single accommodation (if required) pro the initially time, with which they can enter the graduate opportunity ballot. Scholars should come across the expenditure of this accommodation themselves.