Wednesday, December 7, 2011

PhD studentship at School of Mathematical Sciences at University College Dublin

A PhD studentship in mathematics is available in the School of Mathematical Sciences at University College Dublin for up to four years to work on a project Positivity in Matrix Theory. The project addresses one of the most intriguing and challenging mathematical topics in the theory of positive operators: spectral properties of nonnegative matrices.

(Positivity arises in a large variety of settings: time, money, goods, buffer sizes, queue lengths, network data, packet flow rates, human, animal and plant populations, concentration of substances, light intensity levels, probabilities---these are all positive. The wide range of applications of positivity gives rise to many problems that have substantial value in pure mathematics and enrich research in linear algebra and other branches of mathematics.)

Candidate Profile

The successful applicant should have a B.S. or masters degree in pure or applied mathematics. Relevant background would include linear and abstract algebra, functional analysis, combinatorics, computational skills and experience writing mathematical text.


The fellowship includes an annual stipend of e18,000 (tax free) and payment of annual tuition fees for European Union students, as well as funding for international research visits and attendance at international conferences. Note that the scholarship does not cover full tuition for students from outside the European Union, which is significant.

How to apply

Applications should include a CV, unofficial transcripts of undergraduate grades, a short statement (no more than 200 words) of mathematical interests, and the names and contact details of two academic references. Application materials should be sent as e-mail attachments in PDF format.

Enquiries and applications should be made to Dr Helena Šmigoc:
Helena dot Smigoc at ucd dot ie


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