Saturday, August 21, 2010

Post doc in Environmental and Maritime Transport Economics, University of Southern Denmark

The University of Southern Denmark is seeking candidates for a 3 year Post doc position at the Department of Environmental and Business Economics. The position is open for employment as soon as possible.

Traditionally the externalities of transport have been well researched and described for land based transport like road and rail. This is however not the case for maritime transport. As the major externalities of maritime transport are contribution to pollution and global warming the Department of Environmental and Business Economics would like enhance its research into the field of sustainable maritime transport by economic valuation of shipping externalities.

Besides this research area, the Post doc will also be involved in the Departments ongoing and future projects in environmental and transport economics whereas teaching obligations will be limited.

The Department of Environmental and Business Economics is part of the Faculty of Social Science. The Department is located at the University of Southern Denmark’s campus in Esbjerg (55o29’27.75’’ N, 8o26’57.75’’ E).

Research in the Department is organized in four research units and two research centres. The position is linked to both the research unit for Environmental and Resource Economics and the Centre for Maritime Research and Innovation. Both units have an international working environment with English as working language.

For this position we welcome applications from candidates with recently completed PhDs in social and applied science in environmental and resource economics or transport economics.

In more detail for the position:
• 2-page outline of proposed research,
• PhD transcripts,
• Research achievements (journal articles, working papers)
• names of three academic referees

For further information please contact Professor Niels Vestergaard, phone: +45 65 50 41 81, e-mail: (Unit for Environmental and Resource Economics) or Associate Professor Jacob Kronbak, phone: +45 65 50 15 33, e-mail: (Centre for Maritime Research and Innovation).

Read more:
Department of Environmental and Business Economics
Centre for Maritime Research and Innovation

Application, salary, etc.:

Appointment to the position will be in accordance with the salary agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations and in accordance with the job description for instructors and academic personnel at institutions of higher education.

The basic salary including social benefits is app. 50.000 EUR/year before tax plus pension (17,1%). It is possible for no-natives moving to Denmark to apply for a tax reduction scheme.
The application should include (1) a detailed CV, (2) a complete list of publications, (3) the most relevant publications, please mark with an asterix on the publication list which publications (max. 10) are enclosed for assessment, (4) outline of proposed research, (5) academic diplomas, (6) names of three academic referees and (7) a list of all the enclosures, each of them numbered, supplied with the name of the applicant and assembled in sets.

The application will be assessed by a professional committee. When the committee has made its assessment, the applicants will receive the part of the evaluation concerning themselves.

Kindly be advised that the assessment committee is only obliged to include the sections of the enclosed material which the committee finds necessary to form an assessment. The committee can demand the inclusion of further material, in which case it lies with the applicant to procure the necessary copies of the material.

The faculty wishes to increase the equality of status in all scientific positions and invite all interested to apply, regardless of age, gender, religious or ethnic affiliations.

Application with enclosures in 4 copies (publications in 3 copies) marked “Position No. 341/525-105714” should reach the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark, not later than September 1th, 2010 at 12:00 noon.

Closing date 1 September, 2010 at 12 noon
Location: Esbjerg

Mark application Job ID 341/525-105714 and send it to:

Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultetssekretariat
Syddansk Universitet
Campusvej 55
5230 Odense M


It is our pleasure to announce that the 12th International Congress of Ottoman Economic and Social History (ICOSEH) will be held in Retz (, a small medieval town some 80 kms to the NW of Vienna and 5kms from the border of the Czech Republic, which is easily accessible from Vienna. Arrangements for this meeting are being handled under the auspices of International Association of Ottoman Social and Economic History (IAOSEH) chaired by Professor Halil İnalcık. The local organizers are Claudia Römer and Gisela Procházka-Eisl of the Oriental Institute of Vienna University. As in previous meetings, papers are expected to be on aspects of the economic and social history of the Ottoman Empire. The Executive Committee of IAOSEH and the Organizing Committee urge the submission of pre-organized panels/sessions and workshops as well as individual papers.Individual papers will be organized into sections by the Organizing Committee.

Abstracts for individual papers should not exceed 500 words.Pre-organized panels/sessions should consist of three papers, plus an analysis of them by a
discussant (or a designated chair) of ten to fifteen minutes maximum length. The papersshould center on a single theme or question, and the panel proposal should include an abstract (500 words maximum) for the entire panel explaining its theme and rationale and how the individual papers contribute to that theme, in addition to an individual abstract (500 words maximum) for each paper. Abstracts should have a focused statement of thesis and indicate clearly the sources employed (if applicable).

Also welcome are thematic workshops/roundtables organized by Chair(s) around specific
problems or debates in the field. We encourage panels and workshops on any aspects of
Ottoman-Habsburg history or a comparative study of the two empires.

Workshops/roundtables should consist of short (10-minute) presentations by the
panelists/invited participants (four to six speakers), leaving a longer time for discussion of the problem or question. The proposal for a workshop should specify the problem or debate being addressed and its significance, as well as a summary of each panelist's contribution to the discussion.

Applicants should supply the provisional paper titles and abstracts and/or the initial proposals and abstracts for pre-organized sessions and workshops by November 1, 2010 ( The proposals will go through a selection process by the Committees, and the applicants will be notified by late January. The conference languages are English, Turkish, French, and German. Papers read in other languages than English should be accompanied by a brief summary in English.

The reduced registration fee for the congress is 90 Euro in case of early booking by February 1, 2011, and the normal fee will be 110 Euro in case of later booking. The fees should be paid to the account opened on behalf of IAOSEH under the name of Claudia Römer and Gisela-Procházka-Eisl. The fees will cover the expenses of the rent of three session rooms, coffee breaks including a cold buffet, city tours, and a reception. Lunches, accommodation, and travel expenses will have to be paid by the participants, as well as the cost of an optional one-day excursion to be announced later. Details on how to reach Retz, about accommodation options (with prices) as well as the account no. will be provided in the second circular letter after the final confirmation of applications by the Executive Committee of IAOSEH.

Please note, however, that for the more expensive hotel, the deadline for booking rooms will be January 31, 2011). Retz and surroundings being an active region of tourism, it is also recommendable to book the less expensive rooms as early as possible. Booking of rooms will be done directly with the different hotels, a list of which will be included in the second circular letter.

The Organizing Committee:
Claudia Römer
Member at large of the Board of IAOSEH
Gisela Procházka-Eisl
Institut für Orientalistik der Universität Wien
Fariba Zarinebaf
Adjunct General Secretary of IAOSEH
Head of the Program Committee of IAOSEH 2011
Department of History, University of California at Riverside, Riverside, California.
e-mail address for all correspondence:

International medical Scholarships 2012, USA

scholarship requirements :

* Applicants must submit their applications from their intended permanent location. Applications will be accepted for processing only when the applicants have been in surgical practice, teaching, or research for a minimum of one year at their intended permanent location, following completion of all formal training (including fellowships and scholarships).
* Applicants must have demonstrated a commitment to teaching and/or research in accordance with the standards of the applicant’s country.
* Applicants whose careers are in the developing stage are deemed more suitable than those who are serving in senior academic appointments.
* Applicants must submit a fully completed application form provided by the College on its website. The application and accompanying materials must be typewritten and in English. Submission of a curriculum vitae only is not acceptable.
* Applicants must provide a list of all of their publications and must submit, in addition, three complete publications (reprints or manuscripts) of their choice from that list.
* Applicants must submit letters of recommendation from three of their colleagues. One letter must be from the chair of the department in which they hold academic appointment, or a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons residing in their country. The chair’s or the Fellow’s letter is to include a specific statement detailing the nature and extent of the teaching and other academic involvement of the applicant. Letters of recommendation should be submitted in envelopes sealed by the recommenders.
* Applicants are required to submit a curriculum vitae of no more than 10 pages.
* Applicants may submit a photograph. (Passport size is preferable.)
* The International Guest Scholarships must be used in the year for which they are designated. They cannot be postponed.
* Applicants who are awarded scholarships are expected to provide a full written report of the experiences provided through the scholarships upon completion of their tours.
* An unsuccessful applicant may reapply only twice and only by completing and submitting a current application form provided by the College, together with new supporting documentation.
* Applicants must be graduates of schools of medicine.
* Applicants must be at least 35 years old, but under 45, on the date that the completed application is filed.

International Liaison Section
American College of Surgeons
633 N. Saint Clair St.
Chicago, IL 60611-3211
Fax: 312-202-5021

The American College of Surgeons offers International Guest Scholarships to competent young surgeons from countries other than the United States or Canada who have demonstrated strong interests in teaching and research.

The scholarships, in the amount of $8,000 each, provide the Scholars with an opportunity to visit clinical, teaching, and research activities in North America and to attend and participate fully in the educational opportunities and activities of the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress.

This scholarship endowment was originally provided through the legacy left to the College by Dr. Paul R. Hawley (FACS Hon), former College Director. More recently, gifts from the families of Dr. Abdol Islami (FACS) and Baxiram S. and Kankuben B. Gelot, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, and others to the International Guest Scholarship endowment have enabled the College to expand the number of scholarship awards.

The scholarships provide successful applicants with the privilege of participating in the College’s annual Clinical Congress in October, with public recognition of their presence. They will receive gratis admission to selected postgraduate courses plus admission to all lectures, demonstrations, and exhibits, which are an integral part of the Clinical Congress. Assistance will be provided in arranging visits, following the Clinical Congress, to various clinics and universities of their choice.

the official scholarship website:

Completed applications for the International Guest Scholarships for the year 2012 and all of the supporting documentation must be received at the office of the International Liaison Section prior to July 1, 2011, in order for an applicant to receive consideration by the selection committee. All applicants will be notified of the selection committee’s decision in November 2011. Applicants are urged to submit their completed applications and supporting documents as early as possible in order to provide sufficient time for processing.

Australia, Human Rights Scholarship 2010

The Human Rights Scholarship is awarded to applicants wishing to undertake graduate research studies at the University in the human rights field and who are able to demonstrate their commitment to the peaceful advancement of respect for human rights.


Each year the University of Melbourne offers 2 HRSs to applicants wishing to undertake a graduate research degree at the University of Melbourne.

Benefits & conditions

Human Rights Scholarship benefits include:

* a living allowance of $26,000 per annum (2010 rate)
* a Relocation Grant of $2,000 awarded to students who are moving from interstate in order to study at the University of Melbourne or $3,000 awarded to those who are moving from overseas
* a Thesis Allowance of up to $420 (2010 rate) for masters by research and up to $840 (2010 rate) for PhD and other doctorate by research candidates, and
* Paid sick, maternity and parenting leave.

Applicants for the HRS must be able to demonstrate that their commitment to the peaceful advancement of respect for human rights extends beyond their academic studies (such as voluntary work and/or work experience).


Please note that the HRS does not cover international graduate research degree course fees.

Local graduate research degree HRS recipients are not charged course fees as they are allocated a Research Training Scheme (RTS) place. RTS places exempt students from the Higher Education Contribution (HECS) Scheme. Time limits and other conditions apply to RTS places. For further information please contact the Melbourne School of Graduate Research (PhD, MSc, MPhil, MIS and MOptom students) or your faculty office (all other students).

HRSs are not awarded to applicants who:

* cannot provide evidence that their demonstrated commitment to human rights extends beyond their academic studies
* have already completed a course deemed to be at the same, or higher, level for which they are seeking scholarship support
* as a result of previous candidature and/or prior scholarship, have a maximum tenure of less than 12 months
* have previously received an MRS, FMS or PES, or
* have already been awarded or later receive another equivalent award, scholarship or salary for the studies for which they seek a HRS. An “equivalent” award is regarded as one greater than 75% of the base HRS rate (75% of the base 2010 HRS rate = $19,500).

Eligibility criteria

A high H2A (ie. 78-79% and above) is the minimum grade average usually required to be competitive for an HRS.
Applicants must have applied for, or be currently enrolled in, a graduate research degree in the human rights field at the University of Melbourne.

Applicants seeking a HRS to undertake a graduate research degree must normally meet the academic requirements that apply to the Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) or Melbourne Research Scholarship (MRS). Click here for further details about APA/MRS Eligibility.
International students must have an unconditional course offer at the University of Melbourne for the course for which they seek the support of a HRS. See below for local and international HRS application procedures.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

PhD Scholarships 2010/2011 in Slovenia

Public call for applications for scholarships for doctorate studies of foreign citizens in the Republic of Slovenia in the academic year 2010/2011

1. The subject of the call for applications

The subject of this call for applications are scholarships for foreign citizens pursuing doctoral studies in natural sciences, technology or medicine at higher education level institutions in the Republic of Slovenia from academic year 2010/2011 onward, till the end of studies.

For classification of study field in the area of education classification KLASIUS-P of Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter referred to as SURS), available at, shall apply. The fallowing categories of the classification KLASIUS_P fall into fields of natural sciences, technology and medicine:

4. Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science
5. Engineering, Production Technologies and Civil Engineering
6. Agriculture, Forestry, Fischery and Veterinary Science
7. Health
8. Transportation Services
9. Environmental Studies.

PhD positions at University of Rome 3, Italy

Call for Applications

PhD Level Courses ("Corsi di dottorato di ricerca")
Roma Tre University (Doctorates, Doctoral Schools)

Expiration date August 26th,2010 - 14.00 CET time


ADA Annual PhD Workshop, Dec. 19-21, 2010, Baku

Third Annual PhD Workshop
December 19-21, 2010
Baku, Azerbaijan

The Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy (ADA) is pleased to announce its Third Annual PhD Workshop. The PhD Workshop is part of ADA's PhD Development and Support Program and will take place on December 19-21, 2010, in Baku, Azerbaijan. The Workshop will bring together PhDs and PhD candidates in all disciplines of social science, with special emphasis on political science, economics, environmental studies and international law. The workshop agenda includes a PhD Education Fair, a plenary session, thematic panels, and a special symposium featuring presentations by the ADA PhD Development and Support Program fellows.

The PhD workshop is intended to:
- promote knowledge about Azerbaijan in the international scholarly community and establish a permanent forum of academic discourse at ADA ;

- stimulate interaction and promote cooperative practices between and among Azerbaijani PhDs and PhD candidates, as well as between the latter and distinguished scholars from around the globe.

- encourage and promote PhD study abroad.

Who May Apply

Applicants should be Azerbaijani or foreign citizens who are recent PhD graduates or advanced PhD candidates in the fields of international relations, political science, economics, environmental studies or international law. All candidates must be fluent in English.

Individual Papers & Thematic Panels

Applicants are strongly encouraged, but not required, to apply with a topic relevant to their academic agenda, as well as to the broader region of which Azerbaijan is a part. In addition to individual proposals, applicants are welcome to propose a thematic panel composed of three or four presentations.

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts & Panel Proposals

Individual Abstracts
Individual applicants must submit an abstract of their paper in an MS Word file
attachment. The abstract must be in English and should not exceed 500 words.

It should be emailed to PhDworkshop@ along with a short CV (no longer than two pages including the information on the applicant's institutional affiliation) .

Panel Proposals

Proposals for a thematic panel should include a brief conceptual outline of the
proposed panel, the title and abstracts of all papers to be presented in the panel, as well as the names and contact information for all presenters. The proposal should be emailed to PhDworkshop@ along with a short CV (no longer than two pages) of each panel presenter (with the information on the presenter' institutional affiliation) .

The deadline for submission of abstracts and proposals is September 15, 2010.

Paper Requirements
Selected applicants will be required to submit a full paper by December 1, 2010.

PhD Education Fair

The first day of the workshop will feature a PhD Education Fair. The event is designed to motivate Azerbaijani graduate students to enroll in PhD programs abroad, especially in the field of social and political science. The PhD Fair will include general information sessions about PhD programs and PhD training sessions on various topics relevant to postgraduate studies. PhDs/PhD candidates attending the Annual ADA PhD Workshop will provide information to prospective Azerbaijani students on PhD admissions, enrollment and PhD research at their respective universities. All PhD Workshop applicants are encouraged to take part in this event and share their experiences and insights with prospective Azerbaijani students.

Travel and Accommodation

ADA will offer limited grants to cover travel expenses of the accepted applicants to and from Azerbaijan , as well as accommodation expenses for non-Azerbaijani citizens.

Additional Information

For questions and additional information, please feel free to contact Ms. Shams
Mustafayeva at

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Arab Fund Fellowships Program

The Purpose of the Arab Fund Fellowships Program

The Arab Fund Fellowships Program has been launched in December, 1997, with the purpose of providing Arab Ph.D. holders in different fields of specialization who have excellent academic track record with opportunities to conduct advanced research and/or lecture in the best universities of the world. The program is intended to build bridges and achieve mutual benefits between Arab and foreign universities, and facilitate the transfer of knowledge and technology to the Arab countries. Fellowships are open to Arab nationals who are currently working at a university in any of the member countries of the Arab Fund.

Some Statistics About the Program

Since its inception, the program has awarded about 50 scholarships to Arab researchers from different nationalities and various areas of specialization, 6 of which were awarded in 2008. During the period 1997-2008 the Program has received more than 700 applications.

Nature of Grants

For selected candidates, the Arab Fund Fellowships Program provides fixed maintenance allowances, round-trip tickets for the beneficiaries and the eligible members of their families, and a limited accident and sickness insurance. The Grant is usually awarded for a period of twelve months, while shorter periods may be considered only in very special cases. Although applications are received on a continuous basis, they must be submitted at least one year before the expected starting date of the scholarship, based on a formal invitation from an internationally reputable University or Host Institution.

Eligibility Requirements

1. Being a citizen of an Arab Country.
2. Holding Doctorate/Ph. D. Degree
3. Currently working at a university in a member country of the Arab Fund.
4. Having a distinguished academic career and strong publication record in international academic journals.
5. Having a good university teaching experience.
6. Being proficient in the language of the host country.
7. Being medically fit

more information

Master Scholarships in Water Resources Management

The International Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Management (ICE WaRM)is building international recognition as Australia’s centre for leadership and innovation in collaborative approaches to water resources management, through its growing partnerships both in Australia and internationally. ICE WaRM facilitates collaboration in water-related research, education and training opportunities for international scholars wanting to advance their careers.

ICE WaRM offers a scholarship programme to attract high quality international students to education and training in water resources management, delivered by ICE WaRM partner institutions.

The ICE WaRM scholarship programme aims to:

  • provide high calibre students with the opportunity to study with ICE WaRM partners to further their knowledge;
  • provide students with the opportunity to participate in research and advance their scientific knowledge in water resources management;
  • encourage the exchange of ideas on best practice within water-related fields;
  • provide students with the opportunity to participate in presentations, conferences, seminars and forums on contemporary issues in water resources management;
  • provide the opportunity for students from organisations and countries currently facing major water issues to participate in programmes which they may not be able to fund; and
  • demonstrate a commitment to cultural change and diversity and the international sharing of knowledge and skills related to water resources management.


Semester 1 (February 2011) – Deadline 27th August 2010
Semester 2 (July 2011) – Deadline 25th February 2011

ICE WaRM offers two rounds of scholarships annually, in February and July. Applicants are able to begin applying for current or future rounds at any time.

ICE WaRM offers full and partial scholarships toward the cost of the programme (fee tuition). For international students the fully funded scholarship is AUD$30,000 and partially funded scholarship is AUD$15,000*.

for more information

8 Scholarships Phd Biomolecular Sciences

The University of Trento announces the 26th cycle of the Doctoral School in Biomolecular Sciences.

Length: three years

Scientific areas:

-BIO/06 Comparative anatomy and Cytology
-BIO/10 Biochemistry
-BIO/11 Molecular Biology
-BIO/13 Applied Biology
-BIO/18 Genetics
-BIO/19 Microbiology
-CHIM/06 Organic Chemistry
-INF/01 Informatics

Head of School:
prof. Paolo Macchi
Tel. +39 0461 88 3095 - 3819; E-mail: phd.bioscie[ at ]

Official language: English

The selection for 10 doctoral positions is announced. 8 positions will be assigned scholarships.

Degree Requirements
Applications for the doctoral positions are accepted from candidates, regardless of gender, age and nationality, who have an Italian “laurea specialistica” or “laurea magistrale” in compliance with Ministerial Decree no. 509 of 3.11.1999 as amended, a university degree of the previously enforced Italian regulations, or an equivalent academic degree obtained abroad.

The degree in scientific areas will be a preferential title.

Applicants who have a foreign degree which has not been officially recognized as equivalent to an Italian degree must submit a request for equivalence in the application.

The application, together with all the attachments required, must arrive at the University of Trento by the 30th of September 2010 in one of the following ways:
a) hand-delivered to the University of Trento - Ufficio Protocollo Centrale, Via Belenzani 12 – 38100 Trento (ITALY) from 10:00 am to 12:00 a.m., Monday to Friday;

b) by mail to the following address: Al Magnifico Rettore dell’Università degli Studi di Trento, Via Belenzani 12 – 38100 Trento (ITALY) (please write “Selection for Doctoral School in Biomolecular Sciences” on the envelope);

c) on-line application by 4:00 p.m. (GMT+1) at the following website

Applications arriving after 4:00 p.m. (GMT+1) of the 30th of September 2010 will be disregarded, even if sent before the deadline.

The University of Trento does not accept responsibility for mishandling of applications by mail or courier services, or for applications sent to an incorrect address.

The gross amount of the scholarship is Euro 13,638.47 per year 1.

Grants are normally paid bi-monthly and in advance, with the exception of undue payments in case the student is expelled or suspended.
Grants cannot be combined with other scholarships, except those awarded by national or foreign scientific institutes deemed appropriate for the research activities carried out by the doctoral student.
The scholarship will be increased by 50% for research periods spent abroad that are authorized by the Head of the School or by the Doctoral School Committee.

for more information

38 Scholarships to study Master Courses in Cchools of Design, Fashion, Visual Arts

IED Istituto Europeo di Design, the school that graduated more than 90.000 students around the world – launches "Creative diary". Young talent from around the world will be showcased daily as they compete for 38 IED international scholarships to attend the master courses for the 2010-1011 academic year at IED Rome, IED Milan, IED Turin, IED Florence, IED Venice, IED Barcelona, IED Madrid.

Scholarships are to be distributed among the four IED schools: Fashion, Design, Visual Arts and Communication. Students between 20 and 45 years old can participate in the selection process. There are two programs. First Level Master where candidates must have a Bachelor degree or a specialized three year diploma in any disciplinary area. For the Second Level Master programs (professional and research) the student needs a bachelor degree or a specialized three year diploma in fashion, design, communication, visual arts or management and a portfolio for programs related to design.

The selection theme is: “My City”. IED calls creatives to develop ideas and projects describing ‘your city’: this can be the city where you were born, a city that you visited and that became your ideal one, the city from where your family originally comes, the city where you would like to live or have lived, the city that constitutes for you a symbol of historical, artistic and cultural development and human achievement, the city of the future, where all the human beings will live in freedom or even the city of your dreams, a place that you can create with your imagination

The projects and images selected will be published on the site and can receive ratings as well as comments and can be promoted by internet users through their facebook newsfeed.

The deadline for submitting projects is September 13th, 2010.

for more information

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Master in Sustainable Regional Health Systems for International Students

The European Master in Sustainable Regional Health Systems is a two years long interdisciplinary programme of 120 ECTS that aims to give vision, knowledge and tools to develop and manage coherent health systems that contribute both to health and sustainable regional development in their regional communities.

Admission may be granted to applicants who meet the following common admission criteria:

* A university degree in Sociology, Psychology, Law, Political Science, Anthropology, History, Medicine, Social Work, Social Education, Nursing, Public Health etc, that they want to specialize in the scope of the health.
Candidates are required to have a recognized qualification in the language of instruction of the university that they plan to attend. Knowledge of languages of the place of study is an asset.
A sufficient score of one of the following English language certificates (TOEFL, First Certificate, IELTS).
*Statement of intent. Applicants must submit a statement of intent indicating why the Master’s is relevant for future carrier.
Please note, that application becomes property of the Secretariat of Programme. Therefore no original official documents should be sent. Upon admission to the programme, legalized copies of diplomas, language tests and certificates will be required.

It aims to fill the gap in Health Management by approaching the theme of health system management and planning on a regional level.

Deadline: January 2011
Open to: Non-EU students with an University degree in a relevant field
Scholarship: 12000 + monthly allowance

This Master promotes the benchmarking of the different health system models helping to construct the comprehensive health system management and planning, including both, health care and promotion, as well as the interrelation between health and socio-economic areas. It aims to spread out the European model of health promotion and health planning, sustainability and the role of health system in social cohesion and strengthening of social capital.

At the end of the Masters Course the students will graduate with Joint Master’s degree awarded by all Consortium universities and can work as middle and upper level managers in hospitals and health services as well as in regional and national administrative bodies related to public health planning and management in diverse sectors: health insurance, health financing, strategic planning, etc.

If you are a non-EU student (Category A):
* Contribution to travel, installation and any other type of costs: € 8000
* Maximum contribution to the EMMC participation costs (including insurance coverage):
€ 4000 / semester
* Monthly allowance: € 1000 / month

If you are an EU student inside the EU (Category B):
Deadline is already over.

Application should be posted to:
European Master in Sustainable
Regional Health Systems
Institute of Public Health
Faculty of Medicine
Vilnius university
Ciurlionio str.21
LT-03101 Vilnius

For applicants who seek and are eligible for Erasmus Mundus “Category A” scholarships, and self-financing students application is open since 1st of July and will be closed in 2011 January.

Step 1 Fill in on-line application form and after submitting, please, print it and sign. Step 2 Your application should consist of the following documents:

1. A complete and signed standard application form
2. A copy of the passport or other official identification proof
3. Sertified copies of diplomas and translation in English. (If legalized copies of diplomas are not available at the time of application, an original statement from your current university about the studies done and studies currently being done must be provided)
4. Copies of diploma supplements stating courses followed and scores obtained per course and translation in English
5. Copies of language tests scores and language certificates (TOEFL/IELTS, etc.)
6. Letter of motivation
7. 2 reference letters
8. Academic and professional CV

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

USA Engineering Education Research -Graduate Opportunity

We offer an opportunity for a motivated graduate student to join our team and develop a dissertation project within the context of a larger, funded research project.

The graduate program in the Faculty of Engineering is new and its upcoming PhD in Engineering will offer flexibility that no other program in the country provides. We will develop your program based on your individual interests and needs. This means that we can make full use of the interdisciplinary breadth of UGA’s Faculty of Engineering (with members from education, social sciences and art) in assembling your committee and choosing your course work.

Possible thesis topic: Synergistic learning for complex engineering futures

This graduate research opportunity is part of an NSF-funded project that aims at building a fundamental theory of synergistic learning in engineering while pushing the boundaries of integrative pedagogies through an interdisciplinary Synthesis and Design Studio.

The objective of this dissertation is to research synergistic learning in the context of the Studio and develop a fundamental understanding of the influences, mechanisms and outcomes of such learning processes.

According to their interest, students will develop a particular lens of inquiry (e.g. interdisciplinarity, identity formation, creativity) to guide their research effort.
Contact address : Joachim Walther,
Driftmier Engineering Center
University of Georgia
Athens, GA, USA

Future engineering work will be complex with novel challenges that concern aspects of sustainability as well as social and ethical aspects of engineering work. To better prepare students to face these socio-technical problems we must move beyond fragmented approaches to engineering education towards holistic conceptions of integrated engineering learning. While there are a range of approaches that address the integration of engineering curricula (e.g. capstone design or freshmen engineering programs) we know relatively little about the ways in which students make connections between disparate aspects of their learning – we call this synergistic learning.

Closing Date: Contact Employer (Joachim Walther)

Doctoral Scholarships in Energy Science, Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University, Japan

International Doctoral Program (IDP) in Energy Science
Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University

The international Doctoral Program in Energy Science is offered to provide foreign students and researchers, who have a Master’s degree (or equivalent), an opportunity to further their studies toward a Doctoral degree at Kyoto University. In this Doctoral Program, Japanese proficiency is not required since students can obtain the necessary credits by choosing ones among a variety of subjects presented in English and their research works are also supervised in English. An evaluation of eligibility for admission will be made on the basis of the documents submitted to our School Affairs Office.

Eight students will be admitted each year with a scholarship from the Japanese Government.

Allowance: 155,000 to 158,000yen per month for at most 36 months (subject to change depending upon the annual budget of each year)
Travel to and from Japan: Economy-class round trip airfare
School fees: Exemption from the entrance and tuition fees

Nationality: Any of the countries with which Japan has official diplomatic relations
Age:under 35 years of age as of April 1, 2011
Academic qualifications: Master’s degree or equivalent (by the end of September, 2011)
Language ability: Good command of English (Japanese is not required)

Document for Application
For enrollment in October, 2011, the following documents must arrive before November 15, 2010 at our School Affairs Office (address given below).
Application forms, including the Certificate of Health, which can be downloaded from our homepage (see below)
Official document verifying nationality
Certificates: Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees (or equivalents)
Official academic records: Undergraduate and graduate levels
Recommendation letters: Dean of the graduate school and supervisor (undergraduate and/or graduate) and head of the employing organization (if currently working)
Research plan / List of scientific publications / Brief description of academic achievements
A copy of Master’s Thesis (or equivalent)
A copy of an official GRE (General test), TOEFL or TOEIC test score, taken within the last 24 months

To ensure a successful Application
Each applicant should contact his/her prospective supervisor at Graduate School of Energy Science Kyoto University before applying.

Notification of Decision
The applicants will be informed of the result of the 1st stage selection by Kyoto University by around the end of March, 2011. The selected applicants will then be recommended to the Japanese Government as applicants for the scholarship. Applicants will be informed of the final result by around the end of April, 2011.

Any inquiry can be accepted at
School Affairs Office
The Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University
Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
Fax: +81-75-753-4745

CfP: The Rise of Service Delivery Third Sector in Europe

The Education Support Program of the Open Society Institute
Announces Call for Papers on the Rise of Service Delivery Third Sector in Europe

The Education Support Program of the Open Society Institute announces a competition open to all individuals on the elaboration and presentation of research papers on the increasing importance of service delivery third sector in Europe, and especially in the new member states of the European Union.

The third sector both as a scholarly concept and as practice is complex and multifaceted. Its scholarly understanding went from a rigorous space of engagement and debate that stands between the public and the private to a space that is inextricably linked to fundamental democratic processes of governance. However, in theory but more so in practice, the third sector also has found one of its key elements in citizens mobilization, community engagement, but also as an instrument for control of public sector activities.

The third sector itself in yet another context of operation when it recently became eligible to directly access EU funds for the 2007-2013 multiannual financial framework for the delivery of public services.

This call for theoretical and empirical research paper proposals on the increasing importance of service delivery third sector in the new member states of the European Union aims to contribute to a better understanding of what the new context of operation means for CSOs engaged with public service delivery in the region of focus. Special emphasis is given to educational CSOs as the case-study as education is an area where this growing trend of public outsourcing in service delivery is most striking. Furthermore, it is also a sphere where the recipients of the services are directly and consistently impacted by the quality and delivery of the services.

Arguably, this new context gives encouraging answers to questions of civil society sustainability that arose in the aftermath of international donors pulling out of the region. However, the increasing trend of outsourcing public service delivery as a way of funding CSOs raises important questions regarding the new principal-agent relationship created, the process of selecting beneficiary CSOs, civil society independence regarding agenda formation and prioritization, critical voice of civil society as well as the capacity of CSOs in engaging with the public sector in this new relationship. In other words, the questions thrown up are at once political scientific, with core democracy concerns, legalistic and managerial. Four initial areas that come to the forefront are:

• What are the structural implications of engagement among public sector institutions and third sector organizations from the view of public service delivery? For instance, in the current programming period priority setting often was entirely government driven, that means that the agenda for civil society organizations is to a large extent also government driven.

• To what extent access to public funding for direct public service provision strengthens the institutional and programmatic capacity of third sector organizations? This poses the challenge to assessing the extent to which third sector organizations service government priorities, or they themselves are able to institutionally develop and get closer to their immediate beneficiary groups.

• What are the steps undertaken that ensure the transparency and accountability of the exiting public funding mechanisms? For instance, the public sector often finds itself in multiple and possibly incompatible positions, such as that of agenda setter, regulator, financier, but also the sole controller of the initiatives implemented by third sector organizations.

• Last but not least, what are the capacities that public sector institutions need to develop in order to provide leadership and management under various market-type mechanisms for more effective methods of producing and delivering educational public services?

Full research proposals are to be written and submitted in English (between 6,000 and 10,000 words in length).

A grant of EURO 4,000 will be awarded to successful applicants along with the costs to participate at a meeting of researchers. Successful applicants are expected to be actively engaged in the understanding the various market-type mechanisms for more effective methods of producing and delivering educational public services. We also expect those attending the conference to actively participate in discussions, by either/or presenting their papers, engaging in discussions.

Applications will include:
1. A resume/ CV.
2. A cover letter describing your interest.
3. An abstract of no more than 200 words.
4. A full research paper proposal specifying the title, and the following sections: introduction; research question(s) and relevant literature, research methodology; findings and a bibliography of relevant literature.

Applications are due September 15. Please send applications by email as PDFs to espassistance@ To ensure appropriate processing, please use "Research Paper CSO 2010" as the subject line of the email. Papers are expected to be finalized by late November 2010.

Selection criteria
The primary criteria for selection include:
1. The relevance of the paper for the themes announced.
2. The conceptual clarity of the paper.

Applicants will receive confirmation of their application, and selection results will be announced by September 30.

A total number of 5 to 8 papers will be selected. However, we reserve the right award fewer grants subject to the quality of submissions.

For questions contact:
Laura Cziszter at lcziszter@osi. hu
Tel: +36 1 882 6142 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +36 1 882 6142 end_of_the_skype_highlighting

CfBC: The Inequality and Politics of Representation: A Global Lands

Editor: Celine-Marie PascaleI
American University, Washington D.C.

Inequality and Politics of Representation: A Global Landscape explores how cultures around the globe make social categories of race, class, gender and sexuality meaningful in particular ways. The book will examine power and privilege, as well as oppression and marginalization, as it illustrates how inequalities are constructed, mobilized, and challenged through language and representation.

Analyses will take up the "politics of representation" the cultural struggles over how events, processes, institutions, and people are to be understood. As such the collection will contribute insights into the production of culture, knowledge, and power.

Inequality and Politics of Representation: A Global Landscape welcomes all styles of textual analysis and close reading. Some potential analytical frameworks include: Conversation Analysis, Critical Discourse Studies, Deconstruction, Ethnomethodology, Narrative Analysis, Poststructural Discourse Analysis, Rhetoric, Semiotics and Sociolinguistics. The collection also seeks to include analyses of a wide range of cultural data such as popular film, interpersonal conversation, newspapers, television, video games, blogs, social networking, public policies, and presidential addresses.

About the Book
Inequality & The Politics of Representation is currently under contract with Pine Forge/Sage to be published in Spring 2012. Contributors will receive one copy of the bound book and a $50 USD book allowance with Sage. The collection will be edited by Celine-Marie Pascale, an Associate Professor of Sociology at American University, Washington D.C. Celine-Marie is author of two books and dozens of publications in books and peer-reviewed journals. She serves as President of RC 25 Language & Society of the International Sociology Association.


Contact and inquiries:

Submission Guidelines: The strongest manuscripts will present complex ideas with clear language. Please avoid jargon and define all specialized terms so that readers unfamiliar with textual analysis will be able to enjoy and appreciate the insights being offered. All manuscripts should be submitted as Microsoft Word files, double-spaced, and between 25-30 pages in length, including references. Authors are responsible for securing permissions for all images and excerpts.

Deadline: Manuscripts are due by December 1, 2010 to

CfE: World Tourism Day Photo Competition [DL: 31.08]

World Tourism Day Photo Competition 2010

UNWTO is happy to announce the 2010 World Tourism Day online photo competition under the theme Tourism & Biodiversity.

What kind of photos are we looking for?
There is a direct link between biodiversity and tourism with areas of unique natural beauty attracting large numbers of visitors. Biodiversity is thus one of tourism’s greatest assets and fundamental to its long-term sustained growth. But, tourism can also be an important means to assure biodiversity conservation.

We are looking for pictures that capture the close relationship between biodiversity and tourism. Photos that reflect the value of biodiversity for tourism and/or the contribution of tourism in protecting and sustainably managing biodiversity.
Who can participate?
The World Tourism Day online photo competition is open to all people of all ages.

* 1ST Prize - Round trip and accommodation to China (Guangdong Province)
* 4 Runners-up will be awarded with a digital camera
* A selection of the best photos will be displayed at a Photo Exhibition to be held in China on World Tourism Day
* Winning photos will be featured in UNWTO News and

The deadline for participation is 31 August 2010. Winners will be announced and notified in early September 2010.

BURSE masterat sau doctorat in Mexic 2010-11 [DL: 30.09]

Agentia de Credite si Burse de Studii anunta oferta de burse acordate in baza Programului de cooperare in domeniile culturii, educatiei, tineretului si sportului intre Guvernul Romaniei si Guvernul Statelor Unite Mexicane pentru anul universitar 2010-2011:

- 3 burse pentru studii (universitare de masterat sau de doctorat) sau cercetare, in domeniile educationale

Partea romana asigura transportul international si o bursa in valuta, ca supliment la bursa oferita de statul primitor. Data limita pentru depunerea dosarului de candidatura este: 30 septembrie 2010

Mai multe informatii gasiti pe site-ul Agentiei de Credite si Burse de Studii:

PhD Scholarships, Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Sciences (GSSEPS) of the University of Milan

The Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Sciences (GSSEPS) of the University of Milan is now inviting applications from qualified candidates for its three-year following PhD programme:

Ph.D. in Business History and Management - 4 students will be admitted to this Ph.D. program, 2 of these with a scholarship;
Ph.D. in Economics - 10 students will be admitted to this Ph.D. program, 5 of these with a scholarship;
Ph.D. in Labour Studies - 6 students will be admitted to this Ph.D. program, 3 of these with a scholarship;
Ph.D. in Political Studies - 6 students will be admitted to this Ph.D. program, 3 of these with a scholarship;
Ph.D. in Sociology - 8 students will be admitted to this Ph.D. program, 4 of these with a scholarship.

The application deadline is August 31st, 2010.

For further information concerning the GSSEPS, the Ph.D. Program and the application procedures, please visit the Graduate School website (www. graduateschool. and download the online application form. Or contact the GSSEPS Secretariat, Via Pace 10, 20122 Milano, E-mail:

Graduate School in Social Economic and Political Sciences

How to search scholarships

High school seniors, has not yet begun your college scholarship search? Now is the beginning! Private scholarships during the 2010-2011 academic year, MBA students will begin after the New Year's Day, the end most of July. If you plan to own scholarly search, there are strategies you can use it to manage your search efficiency and improve your search. Organized! Your search can find December 25 scholarships, you are eligible to apply for and manage their vast majority, there's no plan. So you need to create a system to track the instructions and requirements of each scholarship application form, reference, duration, and all copies of the documents presented to you to support your application. This would also be wise to establish a conspiracy of the calendar you need to do, when all of the scholarships, you decided to apply. Inventory of information technology age! When you start the scholarship search process, you need to develop a list of your skills, interests and attributes. Do not be afraid, including your religious, ethnic and unusual characteristics. Did you know that in Pennsylvania, Juniata College has a student scholarship to leave? Even people who rarely a scholarship from the United States Association and the little guy from a very high high-level international club. Adopted or foster children will find that there are a number of scholarships or to support their country, state, county / regional level. Resources, The more the merrier! A number is a reliable Internet search sites, including scholarships and You can also do a simple Google search scholarship. To do a Google search type "scholarship" and any topic / topics you want. For example: Search for "Orchestra Scholarship", you will find a number of scholarships, including scholarships and a variety of orchestra Memorial Scholarship each college / university, such as the New England Conservatory of Music, Truman State University and the University of Wisconsin-Lacrosse. Students should check with their guidance office, which will track the local scholarship opportunities. Do not forget the library and bookstores are great resources, books, listing a scholarship! Use a variety of resources to maximize the scholarship selection. Work! Who is working part-time students are eligible to apply for scholarships through the employer. This applies in particular to those who work area or national retail chains. Do not neglect to check that employers and parents, because they may provide scholarships for children of employees. Multi-year, or Renewable scholarships --- What's the catch? While the majority of private scholarships for a one-time award, there are some rewards years, or allow you to update your reward the next year. To see if there is a need to maintain an adequate time to register what is full-time registered. Usually, one must maintain a minimum program of action to maintain or update a scholarship or grant, as well. To test! Is important to take PSAT in your achievements and SAT or ACT test your grade, because you may be eligible for scholarships for a number of important countries. Can be taken to limit the PSAT National Merit Scholarship. To go to nightclubs! Students and parents should develop a list belonging to clubs and organizations. Typically, these groups will provide scholarships to members of their offspring. These can also be a social or religious nature. Wencui nails! If an article is required, please ensure that your article solved the problem, or the problem is to give. Your articles proofread by a parent or teacher to ensure that it is a perfect target and grammar. Usually you will be allowed to determine your papers. You may recall an article you submit the application form part or all of the university, if it is in line with document provides scholarships. Salaries? Point of no return! Sometimes you will encounter the need scholarship application fee. You should not pay a fee to apply for scholarships. This may mark the organization or scholarship may be a hoax.

NUS - NGS Scholarship

NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering (NGS) welcomes students from around the globe. Students are encouraged not only to integrate different areas of research, but to learn to integrate and interact with people from all backgrounds. Hosting students from over 15 different countries enables NGS to gather some of the best minds in the world, regardless of international borders.

The NGS Scholarship is awarded to talented students with an aptitude for innovative, high calibre PhD research.


* Monthly stipend of S$3,200 up to 4 years of the PhD studies, or up to date of graduation, whichever is earlier.
* Payment of full tuition fees up to 4 years of PhD or up to date of graduation, whichever is earlier.
* Other allowances include
1. computer allowance
2. book allowance
3. conference allowance.
* Student must commit to PhD from the outset, cannot exit with MSc.
* No bond


* Opens worldwide.
* Graduates with a passion for research.
* Graduates with at least 2nd Upper Honours, or equivalent qualifications.
* GRE is compulsory for students applying from overseas. Only strongly recommended for graduates from local institutions, e.g. NUS or NTU.
* TOEFL is compulsory (ONLY applicable for applicants whose native tongue or medium of undergraduate instruction is not in English).


* Students are not eligible for the President's Graduate Fellowship (PGF).
* Award is renewable, subject to satisfactory academic performance of CAP ≥ 3.8 at the end of every semester.


NGS members in NUS and Duke-NUS in integrated research programmes.


Click here to apply online*. All supporting documents, together with a printed copy of the application form are to be submitted by post to:

NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences & Engineering (NGS)
Centre For Life Sciences (CeLS)
28 Medical Drive, #05-01
Singapore 117456

* ONLY Online Applications are accepted. For instructions and application procedures, please click here.


Fully-funded PhD research post & Graduate TA, Liverpool Law School


The Liverpool Law School invites applications for a fully funded doctoral research post & graduate teaching assistant commencing on Monday 20 September 2010.

Candidates should have a good first degree in Law (or a related discipline) and have completed (or be near to completing) a postgraduate degree in Law at Masters or an equivalent level. The proposed doctoral project should fall within the expertise of an existing staff member capable of acting as primary supervisor: see for full details.

Interested students are invited to contact relevant staff members directly with a view to discussing potential projects.

The post is funded over a 4 year period: two years of part-time MPhil registration combined with teaching and research skills training; then (depending on successful upgrade) two years of full-time PhD registration, during which the post-holder will continue to teach for the Law School. Previous teaching experience (while desirable) is not required; candidates should be willing to undertake tutorials in one or more core / foundation subjects. Some summative assessment marking may also be required, according to the Law School’s needs. Over this period, the Law School will pay all part-time and full-time University fees at the home / EU level (£3,466 FT in 2010/2011); plus a full maintenance grant per annum fixed at the AHRC level (£13,590 in 2010/2011).

Candidates should send a letter of application, an up-to-date CV and their detailed research proposal to Ms Barbara Bryan (Liverpool Law School, Liverpool L69 7ZS; email: by Monday 16 August 2010. Please note that shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview in Liverpool, including the opportunity to meet with their prospective supervisor(s). Details of the Law School’s teaching
and research activities can be found at our website: . For queries or further information, please contact Professor Michael Dougan (Dean of the Liverpool Law School; email:m.dougan@liv. or Professor John Harrington
(Director of Postgraduate Research; email:

PhD scholarships, Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark, DL 12.08.2010

At the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine 5 PhD stipends are available within the general study programmes Wireless Communication and Computer Science. The stipends are open for appointment from September 15, 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Aalborg University (AAU) was inaugurated in 1974 and is thus a young and modern university which, over the years, has grown to become a large, well-established research and teaching institution in Denmark offering quite an untraditional range of educational programmes and research in the fields of Humanities, Social Sciences, Engineering, Science and Medicine. The PhD stipends are offered via a grant to
three departments at Aalborg University; Department of Electronic Systems, Department of Computer Science, and Department of Mathematical Sciences. The grant from The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation covers 5 full financed PhD stipends.

The applicant must submit an application for each stipend he or she wishes to apply for. The application must include the following:

1. An application letter stating the motivation of the applicant to apply for precisely this stipend, applicants background, other relevant information etc. This letter must also include a list of submitted material.
2. A Curriculum Vitae.
3. Copies of all relevant degrees obtained as well as copies of relevant scientific papers etc. These must be in Danish or English (signed by an authorized translator). Exam papers in other languages can’t be assessed.
4. A maximum 2 page (11 point Calibri / 2 cm margins all sides) proposal for the research to be pursued in the project containing:
a. Suitable title.
b. Brief background for the project.
c. Initiating problem.
d. Short state-of-the- art in the field with use of a few key references.
e. Novel ideas to solve the proposed problem (in the form of bullet points).
f. Main challenges to work on in the project (in the form of bullet points).
g. A rough sketch of a time and work plan.
h. Up to 5 key references.