Wednesday, August 11, 2010

PhD scholarships, Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark, DL 12.08.2010

At the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine 5 PhD stipends are available within the general study programmes Wireless Communication and Computer Science. The stipends are open for appointment from September 15, 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Aalborg University (AAU) was inaugurated in 1974 and is thus a young and modern university which, over the years, has grown to become a large, well-established research and teaching institution in Denmark offering quite an untraditional range of educational programmes and research in the fields of Humanities, Social Sciences, Engineering, Science and Medicine. The PhD stipends are offered via a grant to
three departments at Aalborg University; Department of Electronic Systems, Department of Computer Science, and Department of Mathematical Sciences. The grant from The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation covers 5 full financed PhD stipends.

The applicant must submit an application for each stipend he or she wishes to apply for. The application must include the following:

1. An application letter stating the motivation of the applicant to apply for precisely this stipend, applicants background, other relevant information etc. This letter must also include a list of submitted material.
2. A Curriculum Vitae.
3. Copies of all relevant degrees obtained as well as copies of relevant scientific papers etc. These must be in Danish or English (signed by an authorized translator). Exam papers in other languages can’t be assessed.
4. A maximum 2 page (11 point Calibri / 2 cm margins all sides) proposal for the research to be pursued in the project containing:
a. Suitable title.
b. Brief background for the project.
c. Initiating problem.
d. Short state-of-the- art in the field with use of a few key references.
e. Novel ideas to solve the proposed problem (in the form of bullet points).
f. Main challenges to work on in the project (in the form of bullet points).
g. A rough sketch of a time and work plan.
h. Up to 5 key references.

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