Wednesday, August 11, 2010

CfBC: The Inequality and Politics of Representation: A Global Lands

Editor: Celine-Marie PascaleI
American University, Washington D.C.

Inequality and Politics of Representation: A Global Landscape explores how cultures around the globe make social categories of race, class, gender and sexuality meaningful in particular ways. The book will examine power and privilege, as well as oppression and marginalization, as it illustrates how inequalities are constructed, mobilized, and challenged through language and representation.

Analyses will take up the "politics of representation" the cultural struggles over how events, processes, institutions, and people are to be understood. As such the collection will contribute insights into the production of culture, knowledge, and power.

Inequality and Politics of Representation: A Global Landscape welcomes all styles of textual analysis and close reading. Some potential analytical frameworks include: Conversation Analysis, Critical Discourse Studies, Deconstruction, Ethnomethodology, Narrative Analysis, Poststructural Discourse Analysis, Rhetoric, Semiotics and Sociolinguistics. The collection also seeks to include analyses of a wide range of cultural data such as popular film, interpersonal conversation, newspapers, television, video games, blogs, social networking, public policies, and presidential addresses.

About the Book
Inequality & The Politics of Representation is currently under contract with Pine Forge/Sage to be published in Spring 2012. Contributors will receive one copy of the bound book and a $50 USD book allowance with Sage. The collection will be edited by Celine-Marie Pascale, an Associate Professor of Sociology at American University, Washington D.C. Celine-Marie is author of two books and dozens of publications in books and peer-reviewed journals. She serves as President of RC 25 Language & Society of the International Sociology Association.


Contact and inquiries:

Submission Guidelines: The strongest manuscripts will present complex ideas with clear language. Please avoid jargon and define all specialized terms so that readers unfamiliar with textual analysis will be able to enjoy and appreciate the insights being offered. All manuscripts should be submitted as Microsoft Word files, double-spaced, and between 25-30 pages in length, including references. Authors are responsible for securing permissions for all images and excerpts.

Deadline: Manuscripts are due by December 1, 2010 to

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