Saturday, August 21, 2010


It is our pleasure to announce that the 12th International Congress of Ottoman Economic and Social History (ICOSEH) will be held in Retz (, a small medieval town some 80 kms to the NW of Vienna and 5kms from the border of the Czech Republic, which is easily accessible from Vienna. Arrangements for this meeting are being handled under the auspices of International Association of Ottoman Social and Economic History (IAOSEH) chaired by Professor Halil İnalcık. The local organizers are Claudia Römer and Gisela Procházka-Eisl of the Oriental Institute of Vienna University. As in previous meetings, papers are expected to be on aspects of the economic and social history of the Ottoman Empire. The Executive Committee of IAOSEH and the Organizing Committee urge the submission of pre-organized panels/sessions and workshops as well as individual papers.Individual papers will be organized into sections by the Organizing Committee.

Abstracts for individual papers should not exceed 500 words.Pre-organized panels/sessions should consist of three papers, plus an analysis of them by a
discussant (or a designated chair) of ten to fifteen minutes maximum length. The papersshould center on a single theme or question, and the panel proposal should include an abstract (500 words maximum) for the entire panel explaining its theme and rationale and how the individual papers contribute to that theme, in addition to an individual abstract (500 words maximum) for each paper. Abstracts should have a focused statement of thesis and indicate clearly the sources employed (if applicable).

Also welcome are thematic workshops/roundtables organized by Chair(s) around specific
problems or debates in the field. We encourage panels and workshops on any aspects of
Ottoman-Habsburg history or a comparative study of the two empires.

Workshops/roundtables should consist of short (10-minute) presentations by the
panelists/invited participants (four to six speakers), leaving a longer time for discussion of the problem or question. The proposal for a workshop should specify the problem or debate being addressed and its significance, as well as a summary of each panelist's contribution to the discussion.

Applicants should supply the provisional paper titles and abstracts and/or the initial proposals and abstracts for pre-organized sessions and workshops by November 1, 2010 ( The proposals will go through a selection process by the Committees, and the applicants will be notified by late January. The conference languages are English, Turkish, French, and German. Papers read in other languages than English should be accompanied by a brief summary in English.

The reduced registration fee for the congress is 90 Euro in case of early booking by February 1, 2011, and the normal fee will be 110 Euro in case of later booking. The fees should be paid to the account opened on behalf of IAOSEH under the name of Claudia Römer and Gisela-Procházka-Eisl. The fees will cover the expenses of the rent of three session rooms, coffee breaks including a cold buffet, city tours, and a reception. Lunches, accommodation, and travel expenses will have to be paid by the participants, as well as the cost of an optional one-day excursion to be announced later. Details on how to reach Retz, about accommodation options (with prices) as well as the account no. will be provided in the second circular letter after the final confirmation of applications by the Executive Committee of IAOSEH.

Please note, however, that for the more expensive hotel, the deadline for booking rooms will be January 31, 2011). Retz and surroundings being an active region of tourism, it is also recommendable to book the less expensive rooms as early as possible. Booking of rooms will be done directly with the different hotels, a list of which will be included in the second circular letter.

The Organizing Committee:
Claudia Römer
Member at large of the Board of IAOSEH
Gisela Procházka-Eisl
Institut für Orientalistik der Universität Wien
Fariba Zarinebaf
Adjunct General Secretary of IAOSEH
Head of the Program Committee of IAOSEH 2011
Department of History, University of California at Riverside, Riverside, California.
e-mail address for all correspondence:

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