Sunday, August 15, 2010

ADA Annual PhD Workshop, Dec. 19-21, 2010, Baku

Third Annual PhD Workshop
December 19-21, 2010
Baku, Azerbaijan

The Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy (ADA) is pleased to announce its Third Annual PhD Workshop. The PhD Workshop is part of ADA's PhD Development and Support Program and will take place on December 19-21, 2010, in Baku, Azerbaijan. The Workshop will bring together PhDs and PhD candidates in all disciplines of social science, with special emphasis on political science, economics, environmental studies and international law. The workshop agenda includes a PhD Education Fair, a plenary session, thematic panels, and a special symposium featuring presentations by the ADA PhD Development and Support Program fellows.

The PhD workshop is intended to:
- promote knowledge about Azerbaijan in the international scholarly community and establish a permanent forum of academic discourse at ADA ;

- stimulate interaction and promote cooperative practices between and among Azerbaijani PhDs and PhD candidates, as well as between the latter and distinguished scholars from around the globe.

- encourage and promote PhD study abroad.

Who May Apply

Applicants should be Azerbaijani or foreign citizens who are recent PhD graduates or advanced PhD candidates in the fields of international relations, political science, economics, environmental studies or international law. All candidates must be fluent in English.

Individual Papers & Thematic Panels

Applicants are strongly encouraged, but not required, to apply with a topic relevant to their academic agenda, as well as to the broader region of which Azerbaijan is a part. In addition to individual proposals, applicants are welcome to propose a thematic panel composed of three or four presentations.

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts & Panel Proposals

Individual Abstracts
Individual applicants must submit an abstract of their paper in an MS Word file
attachment. The abstract must be in English and should not exceed 500 words.

It should be emailed to PhDworkshop@ along with a short CV (no longer than two pages including the information on the applicant's institutional affiliation) .

Panel Proposals

Proposals for a thematic panel should include a brief conceptual outline of the
proposed panel, the title and abstracts of all papers to be presented in the panel, as well as the names and contact information for all presenters. The proposal should be emailed to PhDworkshop@ along with a short CV (no longer than two pages) of each panel presenter (with the information on the presenter' institutional affiliation) .

The deadline for submission of abstracts and proposals is September 15, 2010.

Paper Requirements
Selected applicants will be required to submit a full paper by December 1, 2010.

PhD Education Fair

The first day of the workshop will feature a PhD Education Fair. The event is designed to motivate Azerbaijani graduate students to enroll in PhD programs abroad, especially in the field of social and political science. The PhD Fair will include general information sessions about PhD programs and PhD training sessions on various topics relevant to postgraduate studies. PhDs/PhD candidates attending the Annual ADA PhD Workshop will provide information to prospective Azerbaijani students on PhD admissions, enrollment and PhD research at their respective universities. All PhD Workshop applicants are encouraged to take part in this event and share their experiences and insights with prospective Azerbaijani students.

Travel and Accommodation

ADA will offer limited grants to cover travel expenses of the accepted applicants to and from Azerbaijan , as well as accommodation expenses for non-Azerbaijani citizens.

Additional Information

For questions and additional information, please feel free to contact Ms. Shams
Mustafayeva at

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